Y11 & Y13 Mock Examinations - February 2025

28th January 2025

Dear Parent/Carer,

RE: Year 11 and 13 Mock Examinations Update

I am pleased to be able to share with you the final details of the mock exams that your child will complete during the final mock exam period. These mock exams are an important part of the work that your child is completing to prepare for their GCSE, GCE and BTEC summer examinations. The mock examinations will be taking place the week beginning 10th February and will finish on the 28th February.

Please note that some examinations are quite long and as a result, may mean pupils finishing their exam after the normal school day.

All students will take the mocks under controlled exam conditions within the JCQ regulations.

  • Phones will not be allowed into the examination venue.
  • Bags and jackets will be taken off and left in the library.
  • Wrist watches need to be handed in.
  • Smart Glasses are also not permitted

If you have any questions or queries regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Mr G Uppal

Assistant Principal- KS4 & Assessment | George Salter Academy

AM Exams: Pupils register in forms at the normal school time and then make their way to the exam venue.

PM Exams: Pupils register with their P5 teacher as normal and then make their way to the exam venue.