We at George Salter Mathematics Department believe that ALL students deserve a creative and AMBITIOUS mathematics curriculum. We empower our students at ALL levels of attainment to problem solve, reason and to think mathematically at every possible opportunity – igniting curiosity, preparing them well for everyday life and future employment. We aim to develop independent learners who are COURAGEOUS to take risks, make mistakes and have BELIEF that everyone can be successful in mathematics, with hard work and determination.
The mathematics department offers a range of opportunities in and out of the classroom for ALL students to engage actively in the subject and fulfil their potential. Study support sessions are provided across all key stages with interventions running throughout the year for exam groups to provide students with the skills and practice required to gain academic success.
Mr R Mawlud: Head of Mathematics [email protected]
Miss H Mahmood: Second in Department – KS5 & KS5 Postholder [email protected]
“I think it was knowing how much my teacher believed in me that made me successful in my GCSE exams.”
“Maths at George Salter is really interesting and fun.”
“Students receive a lot of support from staff and they are always willing to help you.”
“Teachers make Maths really interesting and I am excited to learn.”
In Mathematics we study four key broad topic areas:
Year 7
The focus of year 7 is to develop and build upon students understanding of number and proportion as these are fundamental building blocks that underpin so much more. We use a mastery style approach so that students have extensive deliberate practice and are challenged through depth. Through the lens of number and proportion, other content is dripped in from other areas of mathematics, so that students are more familiar with such content when it is covered at a later point (i.e. averages from SP1 and angle facts in GM2). This helps students to appreciate how everything in mathematics is connected. Later in the year, we extend upon many of the number topics we have seen by generalising in our first Algebra units. We appreciate for many students’ algebra is where they can become lost, so time is taken to introduce these topics slowly so students can grasp concepts and feel more confident in their algebraic knowledge and skills in later years.
Year 8
In year 8, students develop on the building blocks made concrete in year 7 and study other areas of the broad topic areas. The brief statistics and geometry content drip fed into the number topics in year 7 is expanded upon and taught in greater depth, with the crucial content underpinning this area of study. There is a focus on Algebra units throughout the year, building on the introduction in year 7 and extending on this at a greater depth.
Year 9
In year 9, students’ progress in all areas of mathematics, building upon the building blocks in place from year 7 and 8. It is important students remember prior learning, so we interleave previous content with their new learning where it is appropriate.
At KS4 all students follow the Pearson Edexcel specification. The mathematics knowledge is built like a Jenga block, with new learning building on previously taught content. We understand that some pupils need longer to best understand content before they are expected to build upon it. To support this, we have two pathways in our KS4 curriculum. The first focuses on higher content. The second allows more time on the content that appears on both the foundation and higher tiers; we can then make the decision which tier is best for every student, using the assessment points up until the Y11 Term 1 Mocks. Throughout students’ time with us we want to maintain the enthusiasm that they have for Mathematics as well as to further develop their conceptual understanding of mathematical principles. ALL students will be encouraged to develop their fluency, problem solving, reasoning and application skills. This is to ensure that students understand what they are doing, rather than simply repeating given examples. The aims and objectives of KS4 mathematics at George Salter Academy are to enable students to:
At KS5, the Maths Department offers courses such as GCSE Mathematics and A Level Mathematics.
Please view our dedicated Sixth Form section for more information on the courses available.