Parents FAQ

We have created a series of questions that you may have about your son/daughters transition into GSA. We will continue to answer questions over the summer and update this section to support all families in the transition process.

Please send any further queries to [email protected]

Q. What uniform do we need and where can we get it from?

A. Our main provider is Clive Marks School Wear – the nearest one being in Bearwood. They will be able to assist you in meeting the full uniform requirements when placing orders. For full uniform details, including correct footwear and acceptable hairstyles please see the full list on the uniform page. Clive Marks will be available at GSA during Summer School week – date to be advised.

Q. What will the first day in September be like?

A. We will welcome them at the front of school, PE gate entrance on Davey Road. The start time will be 8:40am, students will need to be at academy by 8.35am. Only Year 7 will be in the academy on that day. Students will have an extended session with their new form and form tutor, a real settling in day finishing at 3.10pm. Further information about collecting your child will be given at the Parents information evening.

Q. What times are the school day?

A. Our usual school day is 8.40am to 3.10pm and there are 6 lessons, form time, break and a lunch period each day.

09:10PERIOD 1
10:00PERIOD 2
11:10PERIOD 3
12:00PERIOD 4
13:30PERIOD 5
14:20PERIOD 6

Q. What extracurricular activities take place and what time until?

A. Extra-curricular clubs take place every lunchtime and evening afterschool until 4.00pm. The activities will rotate throughout the year to ensure all activities covered within the curriculum can be developed further within our school teams and clubs. See Enrichment page.

Q. What happens if my child is ill in school?

A. If your child is feeling ill in school they should tell the teacher. The teacher can then send your son/daughter to the school nurse or Student Welfare Manager for an assessment. If possible, we will want to keep your child in school as attendance is vital. If your child is deemed too poorly to stay in school then you will be contacted to collect them.

Q. What do I do if my child is absent and can’t come into school?

A. Please contact school on 0121 5534665 ext 5230 as early as you can to leave a message.

Q.  How will I know my child has settled in well?

A. We hope we will be able to invite you into the academy in September for a ‘Settling In’ evening. This will enable you to make sure your child is happy, settled and secure, ask questions and meet with staff who have got to know them.

Q. Can my child bring their mobile phone to school?

A. Your child must not have their phone switched on or on show at any point when on the academy site. It must remain in their school bag. If the phone is seen by any staff member, it will be confiscated.

Q. What if I need to come in to school to discuss an issue with my child?

A. If you wish to see somebody in relation to your child’s progress or welfare, then you should contact the academy, where an appointment will be made.

Q. When can parents come in and meet staff for an information event?

A. We will be holding a Welcome evening on Wednesday 5th July at 6pm where you will have the opportunity to listen to key staff talk about preparations for your child’s September start. There will opptunity to book a uniform sale appointment at Clive Marks from 5pm-6pm and a chance to meet Senior Leadership, including the principal, over refreshments from 5:30 – 6pm

Q. Who do I contact if I have concerns?

A. Miss Whitworth (Year 7 Progress Leader) and Miss Robinson (Year 7 Student Welfare manager) will be your first point of contact. You can also get in touch by emailing the team on [email protected] or by calling the Academy on 0121 553 4665 and leaving a message. We will respond within 48 hours.

Q. Will there be a summer school?

A. It is our intention to run a Summer school during August. Details and updates will be communicated during the Summer term

Q. How do I pay for school lunch and break?

A. Please view the GSA Transition Handbook, where you will find information relating to ParentPay (our cashless system) registration. You will be provided with an account to log in to, where you can deposit money for students and track how it is being used.

Q. Who should I contact in regards to peripatetic music lessons?

A. Mr. Jake Allen is the head of music and can organise lessons for your child: [email protected].

Q. How can I prepare my child for secondary school?

A. Moving to secondary school can be a daunting time for both children and their parents, particularly in the current climate. One of the key ways to prepare your child for transition in September is to develop their independence skills. This includes encouraging them to gather and pack their own equipment ready for school or other activities, practise their route to school, manage their time and money, look after their belongings and develop strategies to use if something.