The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) is a non-ministerial government department. The Office carries out regular inspections of each school in England, resulting in a published evaluation of the effectiveness of the school. An adverse report may include a recommendation for further intervention in the running of the school.
The latest inspection took place 23-24 May 2023. The inspection was initially a monitoring visit (section 8 inspection) but converted to a full inspection (section 5 inspection). The judgements on George Salter Academy were:
GSA was judged to be a Good school. This is an excellent result for the Academy and it is good to know that the work we are doing to prepare our students for the working world is so highly regarded. This set of grades continues to demonstrate the real progress that the school has made and continues to make. We should all be proud of the work that we have done as students, staff and parents to make this outcome possible.
The Good Ofsted report tells us that the direction we are heading in is the right one for GSA and our community.
Click the link below for information about GSA on the OFSTED website.
All schools and academies have been asked by Ofsted to encourage parents to give their views anonymously on their child’s school to Ofsted using their new online system “Parent View”. We will review what parents are saying and constantly strive to improve the education of all children in the Academy.
Click here to register: and follow the instructions on the screen.