Student Life

“Teachers are willing to go that extra mile for students to help them get the grade they need. I personally appreciated the business residential, where teachers gave up their valuable time to help me get the grade I need to secure my place at university.” Pavandeep Kaur

“Holidays are a great way to secure higher grades in your coursework because there are teachers available to support you. I have done this for ICT and it has allowed me to aim high and achieve to the best of my ability.” Amanjot Kaur

“The psychology teachers go to great lengths to enhance student understanding of the topics. They dedicate their time after school in twilight sessions to help students who are struggling in certain topics. The sessions consist of intense revision and they help tremendously. I have personally benefited from these twilight sessions by moving up two grades.” Selina Kumar

Before the Summer Holidays a group of 6th form students held a touching tribute in memory of former student Manraj Lall, bringing the community together through music and dance. The event called One World, One School, One Festival had a massive turnout and in the end the students managed to raise over £500. Please click here to learn more about the event.

Year 13 student Chloe had an incredible opportunity this Summer! She wrote us a short summary about her time in Nepal and we are thrilled that she had such a wonderful experience. Please click here to hear all about her adventure.

Please click here to read all about one of our Salter Sixth students experience of the workplace, such a fantastic opportunity!

Personal Tutor

All students have a personal tutor, to guide them through their studies, and provide them with the skills needed to succeed at Post-16. Students are given dedicated time to learn about time management, study skills, revision skills and examination skills.

Students are also introduced to current affairs and regularly discuss issues in the news, during the time with their tutor.

In Year 13, tutors spend a significant amount of time with the students in their groups working on their UCAS applications, and applications for employment and apprenticeships.

Students are also supported in learning about student finance, and wider financial issues that will affect them in the adult environment.

Student Welfare Manager

Post 16 students have a dedicated student support manager who is available throughout the day for students to share issues and concerns with and get any support they need regarding their welfare or their studies. The support manager works closely with students monitoring attendance, punctuality and other issues. The support manager works as a mentor for students offering advice and guidance on a range of issues such as time management, revision methods, exam preparation and works closely with staff to ensure students make good progress in their chosen subjects.

Progress Phases

During the year, information is collected on the progress of all students. Interventions are put in place if students are struggling with any of their subjects, to ensure that they soon get back on track.

Parents’ Evenings are held at least once a year and are in accordance with our principle of regular feedback and communication with students and parents/guardians.


We have a zero tolerance for bullying and any member of the Post-16 team are available to talk to, if a student feels like that they are being bullied.

George Salter Academy offers a first class study support package for all students that attend Post-16, and has built a reputation for providing an unprecedented level of study support. We believe in an all year round approach, not just on the run-up to examination periods, and this approach is integral to our students’ successful results. In fact, on many occasions our staff respond directly to student requests to put on additional study support sessions, such is the desire for them to achieve their maximum potential.

Our all year round approach is divided into various sub categories which include Saturday schools, holiday programmes and after school sessions. In addition, there are a number of residential that take place each year, both within the UK and abroad, some of which are pure recreation, whilst others offer a targeted academic focus.

During the year we have external support to help students with completing courses and preparing for exams. These include University students working on one to one basis with students and external companies such as Elevate Education who offer advice and guidance on how to prepare for exams. We also utilise our very best resources – our own students! Year 13 student’s often run support sessions for year 12 students to help them understand topics taught – this is something all students find particularly useful.

All Post-16 students at George Salter Academy benefit from training in the skills needed to get to the next stage in their life.

Skills used when applying for employment or internships.

Writing CVs. Completing application forms. Applying for apprenticeships. Applying for and getting the most from work experience and internships. Taking part in group assessments. Handling telephone interviews. In-tray exercise skills. Interview skills. Taking psychometric tests. Taking part in role plays.

Employability Skills.

Written communication skills. Spoken communication skills. Giving presentations. Numeracy skills. IT for the workplace. Team working. Organisational skills .

UCAS Application Training.

  • Completing personal details
  • Choosing courses and universities
  • Getting the most from Open Days
  • Writing the personal statement
  • Understanding student finance
  • Sessions run by academics at a range of universities

At George Salter Sixth form we offer a comprehensive careers programme to ensure we are supporting the needs of all our students throughout their time with us.   

All students will have the opportunity to:  

  • Access impartial one to one Careers Education Advice and Guidance meetings  
  • Receive ongoing information on the range of opportunities available to them post 18  
  • Undertake volunteering opportunities in line with their career aspirations  
  • Receive regular information about opportunities to attend a range of university and employer taster sessions  
  • Have access to labour market information  

In addition to this we offer support with personal statements and UCAS applications as well as applying for higher and degree level apprenticeships and understanding how to perform well in the interview process.  

Careers Lead and Work Experience Co-ordinatorNicola Dickinson 

The Careers Advisor can be contacted on 0121 553 4665 ext 5245

Email: [email protected]

Year 12 students recently took part in an employer mock interview day to develop their employability and interview skills. A number of employers from a variety of sectors volunteered their services to support the event.

Thank you to all employers who joined us on the day. This experience will be invaluable to our students. 

Pictured is a student being interviewed by the CEO of SIPS Education, Brian Cape.

We believe that all students should take advantage of as many opportunities as they can at Post-16 level, whilst not jeopardising their studies.

We encourage and support students to:

  • Undertake work experience
  • Undertake voluntary work
  • Be involved in local community projects
  • Take an active role in fund raising
  • Work with younger students as mentors and peer guides
  • Take an interest in current affairs
  • Democracy Ambassadors
  • Reading Ambassadors
  • DofE – Bronze, Silver and Gold awards

*Paid employment – we acknowledge the value of jobs to students but advise a maximum of eight hours per week.

At Salter Sixth we value the skills that are developed within the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Students demonstrate commitment and drive when completing the three long term sections of Skills, Physical and Volunteering. 

We aim that by the end of Year 13, all students have at least their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, laying the stepping stones for students to continue whilst in Higher Education.

Please view the Enrichment page for more information.

Post 16 students have the opportunity to look after their physical and mental health with Well-Being Wednesdays.

On these afternoons, students opt for subjects to develop skills outside of their studies in a university-style enrichment programme.