Thursday 21st March 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are delighted to confirm that your child has secured their place on the trip to Paris 21st -24th June 2024. It will be an exciting opportunity for them to practise their language skills in a Francophone culture.
We write to invite you to a parental meeting where we will share details of the expectations of students, accommodation, travel times and a comprehensive itinerary. The meeting will take place at George Salter Academy on Tuesday 16th April in the green room, it will commence at 17:30pm. The meeting will take no longer than 30 minutes and we will be happy answer any queries you may have there. Should you have any pressing concerns before that date, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us via the chat function on ClassCharts.
It is a requirement that for travel to Europe, pupils need an EHIC card, please follow this link to ensure that they have one
Please could you convey any dietary requirements of your child by returning the slip below to their language teacher by Friday 12th April. It is crucial that we have information about allergies in order to best cater for them on the trip.
You will find information about where pupils will be staying on this website:
Please find below a checklist of items that pupils can bring with them on the trip:
Yours sincerely,
Ms J Williams (Head of Modern Foreign Languages)