22nd January 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
Academy evacuation
This morning, a fire drill took place today at George Salter Academy due to unforeseen circumstances.
Our school received a significant threat through our referral system, and we took the necessary decision to follow our full safety procedures as a precautionary measure. This included our fire drill procedures, and a full evacuation of the school. We continued to implement these safety procedures, and follow the instruction of the local authorities, throughout this process.
Once we had full confirmation that it was safe to do so, students and staff re-entered the school and finished the day as normal.
The response of our staff and students was excellent, despite the considerable disruption to their day and I would like to thank them for their cooperation. We would like to reassure you that the issue has now been resolved and we will be supporting the relevant authorities, as they undertake a full investigation.
The school will be open as normal tomorrow and all students are expected to attend.
I would like to thank you again for your support during this time and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Adrian Price