Year 10 Parents Evening- 22nd March

Please click here to download the letter.

Dear Parent/Carer,                                                                                   8th March 2023

RE: Year 10 Parents’ Evening Wednesday 22nd March

On Wednesday 22nd March, we are holding our Year 10 Parents’ Evening. The purpose of this evening is to enable your child’s teachers to share information with you regarding their progress and development. This is also a great opportunity to discuss the start made to student’s GCSE subjects

Appointments are available through our booking platform, ‘GSA School Cloud’, which will allow all parents/carers to book appointments directly with teachers. This removes the need for students to book appointments on parents/carers behalf and ensure that parents/carers remain in control and can manage their own appointments. On the reverse of this letter is a simple step by step guide on how to book your child’s appointments.

The evening will start from 5:00pm and finish at 7:30pm. From experience, we know that good communication between parents and teachers is vital in ensuring every student achieves their potential. If you are, for any reason, unable to attend then we would ask that you still log on as explained on the reverse of this letter and tick the box ‘unable to attend’ and select the most appropriate reason from the drop down menu.

When arriving at George Salter Academy, please be considerate of local residents by not blocking pavements and avoid parking on Davey Road or obstructing the drives of residents on either Dudley Street or Claypit Lane. There is plenty of space to park on the Academy car park and overflow parking areas. Car park attendants will be available to assist with this.

When you arrive please report to reception to register where you will be given a pack of information including your child’s timetable and teacher forecast grades.

There will also be the opportunity to meet with the SEND Co-ordinator, STEPS, Progress Leader, Student Welfare Manager and SLT to answer any queries you may have. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 22nd March

Yours sincerely

Mr J Hardwick                                                          Mr J Bishton

Associate Assistant Principal                                 Progress Lead Year 10

Appointment Booking Process

To book appointments you will need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Log on to GSA school cloud using the following address

Confirm your name and your child’s name, including date of birth. This will verify your details against our system. If the details used do not match our records you will not be able to log on and will need to contact the academy. We recommend including an email address as this will allow us to send a copy of your schedule directly to you.

  • Once logged on, select the required parents evening date.
  • You will have the option to book appointments automatically based on a time frame you select or you may opt to book your appointments manually.

Please note:

  • You may leave a message for a teacher to inform them of a specific topic you would like to discuss
  • Our appointments are 5 minutes long so please be aware a teacher may need to end an appointment in order to maintain their schedule for the evening. However, teachers are able to follow up appointments with calls home to discuss further if required
  • Appointments are based on a first come served basis so we recommend booking early.