15th/16th March- Year 10 PSA

Please click here to download the letter.

10th March 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

RE: Year 10 PSA

On Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March, the academy will be closed to all pupils due to industrial action, apart from those pupils identified as vulnerable. We would also like to offer pupils in Year 10 who are currently completing the Pearson Set Assignments (PSA), the chance to complete their set tasks in the appropriate conditions.

On February 6th 2023, the PSA information was released from the exam board to the school.  From this point onwards until the end of April, students will be completing these 4 tasks under supervised conditions within lessons.  As the PSA time is monitored, and all students are expected to complete these tasks in silence, just like an external exam.

Pupils must arrive to school via the PE gate entrance at 8.30am. This is so that we can register pupils who are on site and start the school day as normal. The sessions will run from P1 to P4 only. Pupils will be dismissed from school at 12.40pm.  

We would welcome your support and encouragement with regards to attendance as failure to attend these additional sessions will have an impact on their final grade.

If you have any questions or queries regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Mr G Uppal

Assistant Principal