Textiles (A Level)


Introduction to Course

The AS courses within the art department are all about experimentation, developing skills, confidence and stretching personal strengths and ideas. AS Practical Workshops are central to building a strong portfolio and reinforcing strong observational and experimentation skills. Within each of the specialisms, key skills are explored through a range of bespoke workshops which culminate in the presentation of a skilled based project preparing students for their AS examination.

Once pupils have developed and found their preferred media/technique, a choice of project themes are given by the exam board (OCR), and then a project is cultivated which is 100% of the AS grade.

A2 is about the strengths, interests and preferences of the pupil – a totally personal project. A practical portfolio of practical work, along with a final response is created by students.

Exam Board/Specification


Fine Art: H201, Photography: H203 and Textiles: H204

animated gif by Simran

Example Project “Photography in Motion!”

The animated gif to the right is a piece by a Year 13 student Simran. The task was about creating narrative without words. The piece was made by creating a triptych frame in Photoshop and creating a series of multiple image layers which were then converted into animation frames.


AS modules/units

  • Practical workshops – Teacher assessment for each workshop
  • Externally set task (01) – Practical exam

AS assessment

  • Externally Set Task by Exam board – Released January 1st 80 marks
  • Practical exam –10 hour – 100% of total AS grade

A2 modules/units

  • Personal Investigation – A personal project that includes a Practical portfolio of work and a related written study
  • Externally set task (02) – Practical Exam

A2 assessment

  • Personal Investigation (01) – 120 marks – 60% of total A Level. A personal project that includes a Practical portfolio of work and a related written study
  • Externally set task (02) – Practical Exam – 80 Marks – 40% of total A level

Progression Routes

Foundation course leading to a BA (Hons) degree in anything art-based that links to your chosen endorsement. For example:

  • Fine Art: painting, drawing, sculpture, print-making, ceramics, woods/metals and plastics, illustration etc.
  • Photography: film, animation, games design etc.
  • Textiles: fashion design, illustration, surface pattern etc.