R.E (A Level)


Introduction to Course

This course ensures students have a thorough understanding of diverse philosophical and ethical viewpoints.

Students gain critical and evaluative skills sought by higher education and employers – particularly in law, education, social work, politics, medicine, administration and the media.

Religious studies is a thought provoking subject and our contemporary themes will help you inspire engaging classroom discussion.

Exam Board/Specification

AQA A Level Religious Studies (7062)


Year 12 Curriculum Map

Year 13 Curriculum Maps: Ethics, Christianity, Philosophy

Component 1 – Philosophy of Religion and Ethics

Section A: Philosophy of Religion

  • Arguments for the existence of God
  • Evil and suffering
  • Religious experience
  • Religious language
  • Miracles
  • Self and life after death.

Section B: Ethics and Religion

  • Ethical theories
  • Issues of human life and death
  • Issues of animal life and death
  • Introduction to meta ethics
  • Free will and moral responsibility
  • Conscience
  • Bentham and Kant.

Component 2 – Study of Christianity and Dialogues

Section A: Study of Christianity:

  • Sources of wisdom and authority
  • God/gods/ultimate reality
  • Self, death and the afterlife
  • Good conduct and key moral principles
  • Expression of religious identity
  • Religion, gender and sexuality
  • Religion and science
  • Religion and secularisation
  • Religion and religious pluralism.

Section B: The dialogue between philosophy of religion and religion.

How religion is influenced by, and has an influence on philosophy of religion in relation to the issues studied.

Section C: The dialogue between ethical studies and religion.

How religion is influenced by, and has an influence on ethical studies in relation to the issues studied.


There are two assessed components. Students must take assessments in both Component 1 and Component 2. Each assessment is a 3 hour written exam. Each assessment is worth 50% of the A Level.

Progression Routes

Religious studies students can move into a variety of careers: law, travel, advertising, human resources, diplomacy, publishing, journalism, the media, teaching, counselling, civil service, charity work.