Music (A Level)


Introduction to Course

Music is constantly evolving; inspiring creativity and expression in a way that no other subject can. That’s why at GSA we’ve chosen a relevant and academic/contemporary qualification that offers you the chance to study a wider range of musical genres. The course has been designed to engage and extend the appreciation of the diverse and dynamic heritage of music, promote spiritual and cultural development, encourage life-long learning and allow students to progress to music-related and other careers. Within the performance module you will develop your instrumental technique and the ability to interpret the performance details of your chosen pieces. During composition, listening and analysis sessions, you will develop aural perception and stylistic awareness skills, as well as an understanding of the different elements of music e.g. structure, instrumentation, harmony, rhythm, melody, etc. Broaden your minds and foster a love of all music with a qualification that caters for the highest of academic and creative abilities.

Exam Board/Specification

AQA 7271


  • Component 1: Appraising music
    • Seven AOS as above – students choose three
    • Set work strands as above and in addition: Piano music of Chopin, Brahms and Grieg
  • Component 2: Performance
  • Component 3: Composition


  • Component 1: Externally marked(40%) – two and a half hour paper. 120 marks
  • Component 2: Externally assessed (uploaded or posted) (35%) Solo and/or ensemble performing as an instrumentalist and/or vocalist and/or music production
  • Component 3: Externally assessed (uploaded or posted) (25%) Students must compose two pieces. 50 marks

Progression Routes

The course would be ideal preparation for a Music degree either at university or at a specialist music school. Top universities rate a Music degree highly when applying for courses other than Music. Career options in music include: performer, composer, musical director, teacher and music critic/journalist.