16-19 Tuition Fund

George Salter Academy 16 to 19 Tuition Fund (2021 to 2022)

As required by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) we are publishing this statement explaining how we will use the funding allocated to George Salter Academy. 

Examples of some of the support that George Salter Academy will be offering are:

  • GCSE resit preparation.
  • 1 to 1 academic coaching sessions to support progress for identified ‘Tier 2 and 3’ students.
  • Vocational support where assessments were deferred.
  • Small group tuition in Science and Social Sciences.


The Academy will use the funding as follows:

  • Recruitment of a 16-19 Academic Coach working with all students, including disadvantaged and vulnerable 16-19 year olds impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Increase the provision of tutors to facilitate catch up in maths and science.
  • Run one-to-one bespoke subject support or small group sessions in addition to the students’ existing timetabled hours where needed to support catch up.

In compliance with ESFA requirements, small groups will contain no more than 4 Learners in each group, 3 where possible.

Support sessions will be prioritised for the following students:

  • Those who have a grade 4 in GCSE Maths and/or English.
  • Those students most disadvantaged (from the 27% most economically deprived areas of the country based on the index of multiple deprivation).
  • Those classed as vulnerable or impacted most by the pandemic.
  • Those 16-18 year old learners with a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Our Commitment

George Salter is committed to ensuring the tuition fund used in accordance with Government guidance by:

  • Producing this statement setting out how the fund will be used to support the most disadvantaged students.
  • Publishing this statement on our website.
  • Recording the use of the fund, including references to individual students who receive support, the needs of those students, the number of hours of tuition delivered and retaining the evidence of the tuition provided.
  • Delivering the extra tuition and spend the allocated funds in the academic year 2021-22.
  • Notifying the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) of any underspend from the Fund for it to be reclaimed.

For more information please click here to visit the Government website.