Post-16 World Mental Health Day

On Friday 8th October, our wonderful Salter Sixth students raised awareness of World Mental Health Day by showcasing some fantastic activities and resources for their peers. The enthusiasm from both staff and students was infectious and there was a fantastic energy throughout Sixth Form during the day. They were keen to explain the different benefits and strategies for positive mental health they were demonstrating through their activities.

Some brilliant ideas included a lovely Mindfulness Colouring Book with coloured pencils provided, Kindness Cards that could be given to fellow students, positive affirmation chatterboxes, raffles, Kindness Calendars and personalised ‘Feel Good’ messages to both students and staff. The students put a great deal of time and effort into creating their resources and were very proud to share their ideas and creations with the rest of Post-16.

It was wonderful to be able to run the World Mental Health Day event for the first time in two years and celebrate the fantastic dedication, unity and enthusiasm of GSA’s Salter Sixth.

What a positive start to 2021! Well done to everyone involved!